Installation of Mobile Store Manager for BigCommerce

How do I install Mobile Store Manager using BigCommerce App Store?

To install Mobile Store Manager using the BigCommerce App Store, simply follow the steps below:

1) Login to your BigCommerce store, and then click on the Apps icon in the top left of the page.

2) Now, click the Search bar in the upper righthand corner and search 'aquaAPI'

3) You should now see all the aquaAPI apps listing as the result. Click on 'Mobile Store Manager by aquaAPI'

4) Now click on the Install button.

5) and, Agree to the permissions needed by clicking Confirm.

6) You'll be taken to a page to install the app. Here, you can view the app features and functionality. Click 'Proceed Next' to create an account. 

7) Your account created here will be used to login and access the mobile app. You can choose any valid email address and password to use with this account (a default email will be pre-filled).  

8) Next you can choose one of subscription plans based on your feature needs. All subscriptions are billed month-to-month and come with 7 days free trial. You can upgrade/downgrade/cancel anytime.

9) It's time to enter your billing details. All subscriptions need credit card information for billing purposes. Credit card information is captured through a PCI compliant secure process using Stripe. Subscriptions are created through Zoho Subscriptions. Stripe captures and holds your credit card information for billing purposes. At no point of time, AquaAPI (our company) or Zoho (subscription platform) has access to your credit card details. Credit card is not billed till your free trial is over. You can cancel your plan any time during the trial period and you will not be charged.

10) Congratulations!!! Your subscription and your account has been created. Now you can download the mobile app through the links provided on the dashboard and login to your account using the registered email. Features signed up for will be automatically be available in your mobile app.

11) You can modify or cancel subscription by using the drop down menu to top right of the dashboard. This menu also helps to change your payment method or contact us for support. All subscriptions are also automatically canceled, if you uninstall this app through the BigCommerce control panel. 

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