Settings for Zoho Books Connector

What are the required settings for Zoho Books integration?

For BigCommerce to Zoho Books integration to work properly, the following settings need to be done in Zoho Books and the connector:
  • Inventory: Go to Zoho Books Settings->Preferences->items. If "I would like to enable Inventory" box checked, your Inventory is managed in Zoho Books. 

In this scenario, inside the connector console settings (as shown below), choose Product Type to be Inventory.

In the alternate scenario, choose Product Type to be Sales.
  • Enable Sales Order module : Go to Zoho Books Settings->Preferences->General. Tick 'Sales Order' box to enable transfer of orders from BigCommerce.

  • Sales Tax: Go to Zoho Books Settings->Taxes. If you have enabled Sales Tax in Zoho Books, there should be at least one defined fall-back tax rate for each active region in Zoho Books.
  1. If you have not defined Tax Rates inside Zoho Books, please 'Disable Taxes' in Zoho Books. For this, go to Zoho Books Settings->Taxes. Click 'Disable Taxes'. We will use the connector to reflect the required taxes from BigCommerce.